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Crossword Clue Card Game 7 Letters

How to Find Answers to Card Game Crossword Clues

7-Letter Clues

If you're stumped by a crossword clue that mentions a "card game" and has 7 letters, try using The Crossword Solver. This website has a database of over 5000 card game-related clues and answers. To use it, simply enter the clue into the search bar and click "Search". The website will then return a list of possible answers.

15-Letter Clues

For clues that are longer than 7 letters, such as "card game 7 letters 15 letters", you may need to use a more specialized resource. One option is the Crossword Solver's "Advanced Search" feature. This feature allows you to filter your search results by clue length, difficulty level, and other criteria. Another option is to use a crossword dictionary. These dictionaries typically contain listings for all of the crossword clues that have appeared in major newspapers and magazines.

7-Letter Type Clues

If the clue mentions the "type" of card game, such as "CARD GAME TYPE OF", you can try using a card game encyclopedia or website. These resources will typically contain information on the different types of card games, their rules, and their history. Once you have identified the type of card game, you can then use a crossword solver to find the specific answer.

Related Clues

If you're still having trouble finding the answer to a card game crossword clue, you can try looking for related clues. For example, if the clue mentions "Skat", you can try searching for "Skat" or "Skat game". This may help you find the answer or narrow down your search.
